Deals and commercial aspects
- Adding tracks to a playlist before street date
- Active deals at time of sending an ERN
- Album streaming
- Availability and visibility
- ApplicableTerritoryCode vs deal territories
- Avoiding "Dropouts" (or: how to signal Deal changes)
- Cancelling a Deal before Street Date
- Communicating deal dates
- Communicating impact dates in MEAD and PIE
- Communicating old currencies
- Communicate territory information in different kinds of releases
- Complex deals can be dangerous
- Dates in deals are being phased out in favour of datetimes
- Deals without StartDate or StartDateTime in ERN-3 and ERN 4.1
- Exclusive vs inclusive deals
- Displaying deal dates to consumers
- DoNotDisplayDates in ERN 4.3 and later
- Handling conflicts in RDR
- NewReleaseMessage with no deal
- LiveStream
- Multiple CommercialModelTypes or UseTypes in one deal
- Multiple consecutive deals
- Multiple deals for one release
- No takedown in initial deal
- NetAmount and NetRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting
- Podcasts in DSR
- Price information
- Recommended use of CommercialModelType and UseType in ERN-4
- Reporting sales or usages for individual tracks
- Registering compilations in RDR-N 1.5
- Revenue and IndirectValue
- RightsClaimPolicy
- Start dates, end dates, start datetimes and end datetimes
- Takedowns
- Territories in deals and release descriptions
- Territorial scope of a deal
- Territorial scope for visibility dates in ERN 4.3 and later
- Territorial takedowns
- Updating a claim in RDR
- UseType for fingerprinting services