Bulk communication of Work And Recording Metadata (BWARM)

This standard enables the communication of information about Musical Works, Recordings that make use of such Works as well as Musical Work Right Shares. In that, this standard serves a similar purpose to the Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography Standard (MWN). MWN is, however, best-suited to communicate detailed information on a comparatively small number of Musical Works in the context of Musical Work Licensing. This standard is targeted at communicating, in a bulk feed, information on large sets of Musical Works. This standard was developed to support the activities of The Mechanical Licensing Collective established under the Music Modernization Act (MMA) but may also be used for other purposes.

The most recent version of BWARM to be published is version 1.0.2.

The text of the BWARM standard can be found here.

Remember, at least before going live with an implementation, you will need to take out a DDEX Implementation Licence. Information about the Implementation Licence can be found here and the application form is available here.

General explanation of BWARM

This section provides an explanation of the purpose and structure of BWARM.

Detailed implementation guidance and best practice

This section provides access to a large range of articles under different subject headings, about all aspects of BWARM. This section of the knowledge base is searchable.

Sample snippets for BWARM messages

These sample snippets of parts of the BWARM messages provide further support in understanding how BWARM messages should be constructed.