DSR and CDM messages exported from spreadsheet applications

DDEX’s flat file standards such as the DSR and CDM standards require that each Record that makes up part of a message created in accordance with the relevant standard, contains the specific number of Cells defined in the standard, even if some of those Cells are empty. If, for example the standard requires that a Record type XX01 has six Cells, but the sender of the message only wishes to communicate data in the first, second and fourth Cell, the Record must still contain six Cells separated by five Cell Delimiters (i.e. “tab” characters U+0x09).

This means that for this example, the following data must be sent. The right arrow character is used to represent the Cell Delimiters and the down character is used to represent the Record Delimiter):


However, many spreadsheet applications do not export tab-separated value files in the form required in the DSR and CDM standards. Instead, they usually omit Cells altogether that are set out to the right of a Cell Delimiter, if after that Cell Delimiter, there is no data provided. 

Alternatively, some spreadsheet applications actually add Cells to the right of a Cell Delimiter if no data follows it. While these actions have no consequences to the recipient of the message when the TSV file is imported into another spreadsheet application, such messages may not be correctly processed by ingestors created in accordance with the DSR and CDM standards because some ingestors expect the correct number of Cell Delimiters in every Record.

Perl script: dsr_cdm_length.pl

The Perl script dsr_cdm_length.pl (see code at the bottom) is a simple tool that enables a sender of a DSR or CDM message to export data from a spreadsheet application that ensures that the message is formatted so that it has the correct number of Cell Delimiters in every Record regardless of whether actual data follows each Cell Delimiter or not.

Perl is a simple but powerful scripting language that is natively available on most Unix computers running, for example, Linux or macOS. Perl can also be easily installed on Windows machines from perl.org.

The tool can be called using a command line prompt on Unix and Windows machines as follows:

dsr_cdm_length.pl input.tsv output.tsv

When started, the script will look at each Record in the input file and write the same Record, but with the correct number of Cell Delimiters for that Record in the output file:

The output file name can also be omitted when calling the script. In that case the script creates an output file name based on the input file name:

The script will ensure conformance with Part 8 in Version 1.4 (and later) of the DSR standard as well as Part 2 in Version 1.0.1 (and later) of the CDM standard. The script can also be used by a recipient of a message created in accordance with the DSR or CDM standard, to check that all Record types in a message have the correct number of Cells as defined in the relevant standard.

Download script

The script is reproduced below and can be downloaded here:



# Tool to ensure that a DSR or CDM message that has been created with a
# spreadsheet application (which may add or remove empy cells to the right
# of a DSR/CDM message file).
# Usage: dsr_cdm_length.pl <input> [<output>]
#        with <input> being a DSR or CDM message file created by a spreadsheet
#        and  <output> being the filename for a corrected message file
#        (the output parameter is optional)
# Note: this script was written and tested on a UNIX computer
# Note: this script can be extended to also handle CDM
# (c) 2022 Digital Data Exchange, LLC

# definition of all the record type lengths in DSR
# this only lists the length for DSR Part 8 in version 1.4

my %recordtypes = (
		   "HEAD", 16,
		   "FOOT", 6,
		   "SRFO", 3,
		   "SY01.02", 15,
		   "SY02.03", 22,
		   "SY03.01", 23,
		   "SY04.01", 20,
		   "SY05.03", 26,
		   "SY06.01", 18,
		   "SY07.01", 21,
		   "SY08.02", 25,
		   "SY09.01", 22,
		   "SY10.01", 44,
		   "SY11.01",  9,
		   "SY12",    17,

		   "RE01.02", 16,
		   "RE02",     6,
		   "RE03.02", 17,		   
		   "RE04",    22,
		   "AS01.02", 14,
		   "AS02.03", 24,
		   "AS03.04", 32,
		   "AS04",     4,
		   "AS05",    25,
		   "AS06",    39,
		   "LC01",    23,

		   "MW01.02", 19,
		   "MW02",    21,
		   "CU01.01", 17,
		   "CU01",    19,
		   "RC01",     7,

		   "SU01.02", 13,
		   "SU02.02", 11,
		   "SU03.02", 11,
		   "SU04.02", 24,
		   "SU05.01", 10,
		   "SU06",     7,
		   "RU01.02",  7,
		   "RU02.02",  9,
		   "LI01.03", 13,
		   "ST01",     5,
		   "ML01.01",  8,

		   "SR01.01", 43,
		   "SR02.01", 39,
		   "SR03.01", 46,
		   "SR04.01", 54,
		   "SR05.01", 52,
		   "SR06.01", 25,
		   "SR07.01", 41,
		   "SR08.01", 49,

# definition of all the record type lengths in CDM 
# this only lists the length for CDM Part 2 in version 1.4

		   "CDMH",    16,
		   #"SRFO" is already defined above
		   "CS01",    23,
		   "CS02",    20,
		   "CS03",    15,
		   "CDS1",    10,
		   "CD01",    28,
		   "CD02",    45,
		   "CD03.01", 19,
		   "CD04",    25,

		   "CX01",    11,		   

		   "CDD1",    14,
		   "CDD2",    16,
		   "CDD3",    14

# set $debug to 0 if the script should be comparatively silent
# set $debug to 1 if the script should be comparatively vocal
my $debug = 1;

# This may need to be commented out for some systems to correctly handle CR/LF issues
# $/ = "\r";     

# check if we have one or two parameters
my $error = "\nTool to enforce the correct numbers of tab characters in a DSR or CDM message.\nSyntax: dsr_cdm_length.pl <input> [<output>]\n(c) 2022 DDEX\n\n";
die $error if ($#ARGV < 0);
die $error if ($#ARGV > 1);

# set the filenames for the input and output files
my $input = $ARGV[0];
my $output;

if ($#ARGV == 1) {
  $output = $ARGV[1];
} else {
  $output = $ARGV[0] . "." . out;  

print "Processing $input into $output\n";
print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" if ($debug);

open (IN, $input) or die "  Error: input file '$input' not found.\n" . $error;
open (OUT, ">", $output) or die "  Error: cannot open output file '$output'.\n" . $error;

foreach (<IN>) {

  # just copy empty lines or lines that start with a hash symbol
  if ( ((length)< 1) || (/^\#/) ) {
    print OUT $_;
  # split the line into an array
  my @cells = split /\t/;

  # one special case DExx (we don't know the length)
  if ( $cells[0] =~ /^DE/ ) {
    print OUT $_;

  # if we find an unknown record type in the first cell: die
  die " Error: Unknown record type $cells[0] found.\n$error" unless (exists $recordtypes{$cells[0]});

  # how many cells are in the read line?
  my $row_length = @cells;

  # how many cells should there have been in the read line?
  my $std_length = $recordtypes{$cells[0]};

  # if we have the right nunber of tabs, just copy things over
  if ($row_length == $std_length) {
    print " Notice:  Found record type $cells[0] which was as long as required.\n" if ($debug);
    print OUT $_,
  else {

    # if there is a discrepancy
    print " Warning: Found record type $cells[0] with $row_length cells (should be $std_length).\n" if ($debug);    
    my $output = "";
    if ($row_length > $std_length) {      
      # there are more cells in the file than in the standard
      for my $i (0 .. $std_length-1) {
	$output = $output . $cells[$i] . "\t";	
      chop $output;  # we added one too many...
      $output = $output . "\n";
    } else {
      # there are more cells in the standard than in the file
      my $output = $_;
      for my $i (1 ..  $std_length - $row_length) {
	$output = $output . "\t";      
      chop $output;  # remove last tab
      $output = $output . "\n";
    print OUT $output;

print "All done.\n" if ($debug);