Cardinality of the RightShareType element in MWN

The Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography (MWN) standard (version 1.1) enables right shares in the RightShareList to be specified using one or more RightShareType element. The allowed values for RightShareType are MusicalWorkManuscriptShare, OriginalPublisherShare, LicensingShare and MusicaWorkCollectionShare.

Using the RightShareType element more than once within a RightShare composite can lead to confusing information and subsequent disputes, for example, if contradictory values are supplied, such as a MusicalWorkManuscriptShare and an OriginalPublisherShare relating to the same RightShare. It is therefore recommended that only a single RightShareType element is used in each RightShare composite so that the message recipient is able to unambiguously determine the type of the right share.