Price information

The price point at which a label wants a DSP to make available a Release can be communicated in ERN-3 using the PriceInformation composite. This composite has six optional elements. However, only two ways of using this composite are recommended (an additional Description can be added to provide information about the PriceInformation provided).


In ERN-4 some of the pricing fields have been removed as they were no longer in use. The PriceInformation composite within the DealTerms now contains all pricing information, including PriceCode which replaced the PriceRangeType and PriceType.

Either use PriceInformation using Price Codes

<!-- Optional element containing information which is not meant to be used to send instructions-->
<PriceRangeType Namespace="DPID_of_Party_controlling_value>
<!-- Mandatory Element pointing to a rate card --> 

Or use PriceInformation using Absolute Prices

<!-- Optional element containing information which is not meant to be used to send instructions--> 
<PriceRangeType Namespace="DPID_of_Party_controlling_value>
<!-- One of the two following elements is mandatory --> 
<WholesalePricePerUnit CurrencyCode="GBP">1.0</WholesalePricePerUnit>
<BulkOrderWholesalePricePerUnit CurrencyCode="GBP">0.5</BulkOrderWholesalePricePerUnit>

The BulkOrderWholesalePricePerUnit is predomintly for physical product deliveries to wholesale partners.