
The ERN standard allows communicating keywords for Releases and Resources. Keywords can be used to enhance user experiences by furnishing DSPs with information they can use when displaying the content as well as for music searches.

To provide two or more keywords, the sender must place each keyword into a separate Keywords tag. Each keyword may contain space characters:

Do this

  <Keywords>NYPD Choir<Keywords>
  <Keywords>Galway Bay</Keywords>

Do not do this!

NYPD Choir, Galway Bay

It would be incorrect to place multiple keywords into a single tag (whether separated by space, comma or any other character).

In ERN-3, the keywords tag appears in the various …DetailsByTerritory composites and allows communicating the language and script for each of the keyword provided. 

In ERN-4 the keywords tag appears in all Resource and Release composites and allows to also provide the territorial scope for each keyword.