Part 7: Radio Broadcast profile

The purpose of the Radio Broadcast profile is to enable licensees to report to licensors information regarding the level of sales/usage generated from the distribution of music in the context of global radio services. The current Part 7 is in version 1.1.1, the text of which is available here.

What business models does it cover?

The Radio Broadcast profile is used to report the use of music in radio broadcasts where the commercial model is advertising. Such services are characterised by the fact that all consumers of the broadcast at any one time are listening to exactly the same music in all territories.

The Radio Broadcast profile is available only as an MRBV.

How is a report structured?

This format has the following structure:

  • A header that contains general information such as the name of the sender and recipient of the message. The header is the same for all DSR profiles in both the MRBV and SRBV configurations;

  • A series of blocks each of which contains resource and musical work information followed by records of sales/usage information relating to the relevant resources;

  • A footer that contains check data about the individual report such as the number of records that are included. The footer is the same for all MRBV DSR profiles.