Musical Work Right Share Notification Standard (MWN)

This standard fulfils a variety of communication requirements between musical work rights holders and downstream data recipients. These communications include the communication of identification, rights and usage data for musical works and their associated parties to facilitate accurate claiming and remuneration for these works in the publishing rights ecosystem.

The most recent version of MWN to be published is MWN version 1.3 for Part 1, which defines the MWN messages, and version 1.0 for Part 2, which defines profiles for the messages defined in Part 1.

The text of each part of the MWN standard is available by following the links below:

Part 1 – Message definition (version 1.3)
Part 2 – Profiles of the Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography Standard (version 1.0)

Remember, at least before going live with an implementation, you will need to take out a DDEX Implementation Licence. Information about the Implementation Licence can be found here and the application form is available here.

General explanation of MWN

This section contains information about the purpose and structure of the MWN messages and a description of the relationship between MWN and CISAC’s CWR standard. This section also discusses the how to communicate MWN with a hub.

MWN business benefits

This section provides a quick overview of the benefits of implementing and using MWN.

Detailed implementation guidance and best practice

This section provides access to a large range of articles under different subject headings, about all aspects of MWN. This section of the knowledge base is searchable.

Current data dictionary for MWN
Communication protocol for MWN

This section provides an explanation of the communication protocol for MWN.

Sample snippets for MWN

These sample snippets of parts of the MWN messages provide further support in understanding how MWN messages should be constructed.

Past versions of MWN

Gain access to the most recent past version of MWN. There is also information about how to access even earlier versions of MWN. However, DDEX strongly advises that you implement MWN 1.3 wherever possible.