Structure of MWN messages

The structures of the four messages in the MWN standard are described below.


The MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage is structured as follows:

  • Message Header
    The MessageHeader is used to provide basic information about the message itself, and is very similar to the MessageHeader used in all DDEX's XML messages.

  • Territory List
    The TerritoryList is used to specify territories used in the message. Detailed information on this element and how to use it is provided here [link to be provided].

  • Party List

    • The PartyList is used to describe any and all parties (typically writers and publishers) that the licensee has knowledge of and who it believes have an interest in the musical-work(s); and

    • A licensee will typically not have authoritative information on writer and publisher information (and in some cases none at all). Within a message each of these parties is described with a name and a series of identifiers. There is also a PartyReference field which is used to link the parties to the works, sound recordings or releases that the licensee believes they have an interest in.

  • Work List

    • The WorkList is used to detail the musical works that the licensee is requesting information on. The licensee should include as much information as it has on the musical work(s) as possible as this will help the prospective licensor as it seeks to identify the appropriate musical work; and

    • For each musical work that the licensee is seeking information about it is possible to include writer or composer information if the licensee has it using the  MusicalWorkContributorPartyReference which links back to the appropriate part in the PartyList.

  • Resource List

    • The ResourceList is used to detail the sound recordings and/or music videos in which the musical works listed in the WorkList appear;

    • Ordinarily, licensees (particularly if they are record companies) should have authoritative information about sound-recordings and videos; and

    • Each sound recording or music video references (at least) one musical work using the ResourceMusicalWorkReference.

  • Release List

    • The ReleaseList is used to detail the releases which include the sound recordings and/or music videos listed above;

    • Ordinarily, licensees (particularly if they are record companies) should have authoritative information on releases; and

    • Each release references back to (at least) one sound recording or music video using the ReleaseResourceReference.

  • Request List

    • The RequestList is used to confirm the musical works for which a claim request is being made (though in practise this is likely to be all the musical works contained in the WorkList); and

    • It is also possible within the RequestList to provide a condition in relation to the claim request being made, for example to narrow the claim request to a specific RightsType or date.


The MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage as a response to a request message is structured as follows:

  • Message Header
    The MessageHeader is used to provide basic information about the message itself, and is very similar to the MessageHeader used in all DDEX's XML messages

  • Territory List
    The TerritoryList is used to specify territories used in the message. Detailed information on this element and how to use it is provided here [link to be provided].

  • Party List
    The Licensor is able to augment the data sent by the licensee in the PartyList with, for example:

    • Additional, songwriters who were previously unknown to the licensee who sent the request message;

    • Additional music publishers who have an interest in the musical work;

    • Unique identifiers for the songwriters or music publishers, such as the Interested Party Information (IPI) numbers; and

    • The licensor's proprietary identifiers for the parties.

  • Work List
    The licensor is able to augment the data sent by the licensee in the WorkList with, for example:

    • The ISWC of the musical work;

    • Corrected writer or composer roles;

    • The licensor's proprietary musical work Identifier; and

    • The proprietary musical work identifier of collective rights management organisations or agents such as the Harry Fox Agency (HFA) or Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) which will assist the licensee in reconciling musical work data provided by several licensors.

  • Resource List

    • The licensor is able to use the ResourceList to augment information about sound recordings and/or music videos with, for example the licensor's proprietary resource identifier for the sound recordings or music videos.

  • Exploitation List
    The licensor is able to use the ExploitationList to communicate information about exploitations, e.g. audio-visual productions or set lists for live performances, in which the musical works listed in the WorkList appear.

  • Release List

    • The licensor is able to use the ReleaseList to augment information about the release on which the sound recordings or music videos appear, with, for example, the licensor's proprietary release Identifier.

  • Right Share List
    The RightShareList is used by the licensor to provide information about the claims the licensor is making which can be in respect of three different types of shares:

    • ManuscriptShares which are usually associated with each writer of the musical work;

    • OriginalPublisherShares which are for each writer represented by the licensor; and

    • CollectionShares which are for each writer represented by the licensor which can be different form the OriginalPublisherShare.

    • The RightShareList can also be used to communicate conflicts between rights share, but this is for CMOs to alert rights owners of conflicts they have detected in their system.

  • Right Share Notification List

    The RightShareNotificationList is used by the licensor to provide a link between the request data and the notification data in the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage and MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage respectively.


The MusicalWorkClaimRequestRecallMessage is structured as follows:

  • The MessageHeader is used to provide basic information about the message itself, and is very similar to the MessageHeader used in all DDEX's XML messages.

  • The RecalledMessage lists one or more MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage(s) that are recalled.


The MusicalWorkClaimNotificationRecallMessage is structured as follows:

  • The MessageHeader is used to provide basic information about the message itself, and is very similar to the MessageHeader used in all DDEX's XML messages.

  • The RecalledMessage lists one or more MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage(s) that are recalled.