Simple Music NFT

The Simple Music NFT standard defines a series of messages for use in the process by which an NFT Issuer instructs an NFT Minting Service to mint a simple Music NFT containing one or more sound recordings and/or music videos which embody musical works which can be traded on an NFT marketplace to enable any owner of the NFT to playback the sound recording contained in that NFT.

The text of the Simple Music NFT standard is available by following here.

Remember, at least before going live with an implementation, you will need to take out a DDEX Implementation Licence. Information about the Implementation Licence can be found here and the application form is available here.

General explanation of the Simple Music NFT standard

This section provides a general explanation of the purpose of the Simple Music NFT standard and what sort of data can be communicated using the standard.

Detailed implementation guidance and best practice for the Simple Music NFT standard

This section provides access to a large range of articles under different subject headings, about all aspects of the Simple Music NFT standard. This section of the knowledge base is searchable.