Changes from ERN 4.1 to 4.2

Changes to the XSD

Below is a list of the changes from ERN 4.1.1 to ERN 4.2. The ERN standard now

  • Provides enhanced support for the delivery of Releases in different encodings (e.g. stereo, binaural, Atmos, etc.) by augmenting the TechnicalResourceDetails by

    • An EncodingId which may be used by a record company if a specific encoding has been given its own identifier (i.e. an identifier that differs from the main Resource’s identifier); 

    • A free-form EncodingDescription; and

    • A flag, IsProvidedInDelivery, that signals whether a resource file is contained in a delivery.

As a consequence, the semantics of the TechnicalResource-Details composite has changed: While in ERN 4.1 the presence of a TechnicalResourceDetails meant that the relevant resource file was part of the delivery (and the absence meant that no such resource file was in the delivery), in ERN 4.2 the aforementioned flag would need to be set accordingly;

  • clearly separates dates for Release availability from the dates for Release visibility by moving the ReleaseDisplayStartDateTimeCoverArtPreviewStartDateTime, FullTrackListingPreviewStartDateTimeTrackListingPreviewStartDateTimeand ClipPreviewStartDateTime into separate composites in the Deal list;

  • allows Session information to be communicated;

  • supports the communication of dialects in all language tags (by removing the constraint to the ISO language code list);

  • allows territory codes for countries no longer in existence (e.g. USSR, GDR) to be used for all tags describing historic events;

  • supports the communication of Release administrators, i.e. a group or an individual working at a record company who is being granted access to an administrative console on the DSP’s system to view, for example, how a specific release is performing;

  • allows signalling whether in a condition for a RightsClaimPolicy the measurement of whether, e.g., at least 50% of the track were found applies to the audio only, the video only, or both;

  • supports the communication of deals for specific UserInterfaceTypes;

  • has enhanced means to communicate related Releases and Resources;

  • supports signalling that a Party’s name is the default name for a given Party;

  • has replaced the Boolean flag IsCompilation with a better-named IsSingleArtistCompilation flag. The semantic of the flag has not been changed;

  • allows communicating where on a DSP’s system a Release should be made available (TargetURL);

  • has replaced the tag RightsControllerRole with a better-named tag called RightsControlType. The semantic has not been changed;

  • has enhanced support for “continuous Releases” by introducing two new tags: DisableCrossfade and DisableSearch;

  • supports the genre allowed value set defined by the MEAD standard; and

  • allows communicating why a specific age rating has been assigned to a Release or resource.

In addition, a few allowed values were added to existing allowed value sets.

Changes to the Release Profiles

The Release Profiles Version 2.2, which are specifically made for ERN 4.2 provide rules for the tags used in ERN 4.2. Specifically, it adds support for Audio Books and Audio Dramas and updates the DjMix Profile by adding the ability to send TrackReleases.