About DDEX standards
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Implementing each standard
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Implementing each standard
Electronic Release Notification Message Suite (ERN)
ERN 4 explained
ERN 4 structure
ERN 4 profiles
Differences between ERN 3 and ERN 4
Changes from ERN 4.1 to 4.2
ERN 3 explained
ERN 3 structure
ERN 3 profiles
Release profiles in ERN 3
Business profiles in ERN 3
ERN implementation guidance and best practice
ERN choreography using Secure File Transfer Protocol
ERN choreography using Web Services
Asymmetric web service architecture
Symmetric web service architecture
ERN samples
Media Enrichment and Description (MEAD)
MEAD explained
MEAD implementation guidance and best practice
MEAD choreography
Party Identification and Enrichment (PIE)
PIE explained
PIE implementation guidance and best practice
PIE choreography
Simple Music NFT
The Simple Music NFT standard explained
Simple Music NFT implementation guidance and best practices
Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite (DSR)
DSR explained
Adopting DSR
Architecture, Allowed Value Sets and Record Type Definitions
Multi-Record and Single-Record Block Variants
Multi-Context and Single-Context Sales Reports
DSR implementation
Best Practice Conglomeration Rules
DSR profiles
Part 3: Basic Audio profile
Part 4: UGC profile
Part 5: Audio-visual profile
Part 6: Royalty Reporting profile
Part 7: Radio Broadcast profile
Part 9: Financial Reporting to Record Companies profile
Part 10: Masterlist profile
Part 11: Basic Audio Profile for The Mechanical Licensing Collective
DSR implementation guidance and best practice
DSR samples
Claim Detail Message Suite (CDM)
CDM explained
CDM structure
CDM profiles
Benefits of CDM
Challenges when implementing CDM
Why migrate to CDM?
CDM implementation guidance and best practice
CDM choreographies
CDM samples
Musical Work Data and Rights communication (MWDR)
Musical Work Right Share Notification Standard (MWN)
MWN explained
Purpose of MWN
Structure of MWN messages
Generating MWN messages
Communication of MWN with a hub
MWN and the Common Works Registration (CWR)
Business benefits of implementing MWN
MWN implementation guidance and best practice
MWN message exchange
MWN samples
MWN Response Providing a Claim with Co-Ownership
MWN Response Providing a Claim
US Musical Work Licensing Choreography Standard (MWL)
MWL explained
Purpose of MWL
Structure of MWL messages
MWL implementation guidance and best practice
MWL choreography
MWL samples
US Letters of Direction Choreography Standard (LoD)
LoD explained
Purpose of LoD
Structure of LoD messages
LOD implementation guidance and best practice
LoD choreography
LoD samples
Bulk communication of Work And Recording Metadata (BWARM)
BWARM explained
BWARM implementation guidance and best practice
BWARM samples
How to use BWARM
Recording Data and Rights Standards (RDR)
Recording Data and Rights Communication Protocol (RDR-C)
RDR-C implementation guidance and best practice
Recording Data and Rights Notification (RDR-N)
RDR-N explained
RDR-N: XML Declaration
RDR-N: Message Header
RDR-N: Message Notification Period
RDR-N: ResourceList
RDR-N: SoundRecording (version 1.5)
RDR-N: SoundRecording (version 1.4)
RDR-N: SoundRecording DetailsByTerritory (version 1.5)
RDR-N: SoundRecording DetailsByTerritory (version 1.4)
RDR-N: SoundRecording DetailsByTerritory (version 1.3)
RDR-N Message Exchange
RDR-N implementation guidance and best practice
RDR Implementation help and support
Upgrading from RDR-N Version 1.2 to Version 1.3
Upgrading from RDR-N Version 1.3 to Version 1.4
Upgrading from RDR-N Version 1.4 to Version 1.5
RDR-N samples
Recording Data and Rights Revenue Reporting (RDR-R)
RDR-R explained
RDR-R implementation guidance and best practice
RDR-R samples
Recording Data and Rights Claim Conflict (RDR-RCC)
RDR-RCC explained
RDR-RCC implementation guidance and best practice
RDR-RCC samples
RDR implementation guidance and best practice
Recording Information Notification (RIN)
RIN explained
Background to RIN
Purpose of RIN
Structure of RIN
Who is RIN for?
RIN implementation guidance and best practice
RIN choreography
RIN samples
Transfer of Catalogues of Releases and Resources by Reassignment of Rights Controller Information
CT Samples
Best Practices for Catalogue Transfers
Best Practices for Catalogue Transfers explained
Best Practices for Catalogue Transfers choreography
Anomaly Reporting (AR)
AR explained
AR implementation guidance and best practice
Links between Resources and Musical Works (LRAW)
LRAW explained
LRAW implementation guidance and best practice
Best practices for all DDEX standards
General guidance on messages
Communication of percentages
Currency conversion in DSR and CDM
Cardinality of the RightShareType element in MWN
Date/time tags and Time Zone Designators
Dealing with uncommon use cases
Field length and precision
Invalid Messages
Origin and trustworthiness of MEAD and PIE information
Precision of numeric values in MWN
Priorities for metadata items
Scalability of UGC sales/usage reports
Time stamp for data accuracy
Version compatibility
What can I do if I have data requirements not addressed by DDEX
Which Release Profile for which ERN Version?
Who owns which rights?
Guidance on contributors, artists and writers
Artist name changes over time
Artist roles and DisplayCredits
Band members
Canonical spellings for names
Communicating awards in MEAD/PIE
Communicating DisplayArtists and DisplayArtistName
Communicating of focus tracks in MEAD/PIE
Communicating remixes and remixers
Contributors, artists and writers
Information on DisplayArtists, DisplayArtistNames, Contributors and IndirectContributors
Display artist overrides
DisplayArtistNames for releases and resources
Displaying artists for remixes for ERN-4
ERN-4 PartyList
IsCredited and MayBeShared
Lengths of artist names
One artist with two roles
Ownership claims for Single-Resource Releases in ERN
Role code synonyms and credits
Roles and instrumentation in performances
Rights controller information in ERNs to Music Licensing Companies
Semantics of LineupComplete
Sequencing recording artists and writers
Special characters
Splitting names and the importance of the KeyName
Statements for Contributor and RightsController revenues
Territorial rights controller information
Translating and Transliterating Names
Various artists in ERN
Writer roles
Why artist information is in multiple places
Guidance on previews
Preview resources
Resource-specific previews
Guidance on binaries
Adding and removing specific encodings
Communicating binaries
Guidance on allowed value sets (AVS, aka Code Lists)
Common language and script code combinations
Excluded Territories and Worldwide
Specialising DDEX-Defined Values
User-defined values
Versioning Allowed Value Sets
Guidance on identifiers, ISO codes lists and dates
Avoiding the use of proprietary Identifiers
Bar codes of various lengths
Can a release be identified by an ISRC?
Communication of identifiers in DDEX messages
Do DPIDs have hyphens?
How many DPIDs Do I need?
Identifiers for resources and releases and parties
Identifying chapters
Identifying sound recordings and videos containing the same audio
Limitations of proprietary identifiers
Malformed identifiers
Multiple proprietary identification systems
Opus and composer catalogue numbers
Proprietary identifiers
The importance of ISRCs
Use of ISRCs as the primary database key
Territory codes using ISO 3166-1 or ISO 3166-3 or TIS
ProductionDate vs. CreationDate
Guidance on XML Issues
Direction of writing
Do not use CDATA to concatenate data
Importing RIN files into RIN files (RIN 1.0 only)
Java library's date bug for 2020
Locations of XSDs
Namespace and file locations for the XSD for allowed value sets
Order of XML attributes
Preambles for XML-based DDEX messages
Referencing composites using ID and IDREF
Semantics of repeating XML tags
Special XML characters (and how to avoid &)
Handling 'odd' characters
Guidance on release/resource/work metadata
Animated cover art
Classical Music – Genre vs Structure
Clip samples
Communicating previews and clips used for shorts in ERN 4.3 and later
Communicating award information in MEAD and PIE
Communicating classical releases and resources
Communicating focus tracks in MEAD and PIE
Communicating genres in ERN and which in MEAD
Communicating mood in MEAD
Communicating recording locations in MEAD and PIE
Communicating stems
Communicating lyrics
Communicating titles in ERN and MEAD
Creation dates
Differentiating versions using SubTitle in ERN and RDR-N
Display Titles in RDR
ERN message without resources
Handling immersive audio
Handling of tracks that are not cleared
Hidden sound recordings
Images for box sets
Impact date
Instrumental music in ERN-3
Linking different releases and resources
MEAD information for a taken down release
Metadata in different languages
Mixing classical with popular music
Multiple instances of the same recording in the same release
Original release date, release date and other dates
Parental advice labels
PLine and CLine
Primary and secondary resources
Product types in titles
Public domain works
RDR-N ResourceList
ReferenceTitle of a SoundRecording
Release types for TrackReleases
ResourceGroups are mandatory in ERN
ResourceGroups and TrackReleases
Resource types
Same recording with different metadata in different releases
Samples for classical music in ERN-3 and ERN-4
Sequencing resources
Territorial variations in the SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory Composite in RDR-N
Territorial variations in release descriptions
Theme in MEAD
Titles and subtitles in ERN-3
Titles and subtitles in ERN-4
Translating and transliterating titles
Contents of a RIN message
Subtitles in multiple languages
ResourceGroup hierarchies
Guidance for flat-file issues
Delimiters and special characters in flat file messages
Deprecated Cells in DSR, CDM and RDR-R
DSR and CDM messages exported from spreadsheet applications
Handling long titles and special characters in the DSR, CDM and RDR-R standards
Multiple identifiers for multiple parties in flat-file standards
No data for mandatory fields
Profile names in DSR and CDM
Guidance on message exchange protocols and choreographies
Access credentials
Acknowledgements and non-repudiation
Differentiating inserts from updates
ERN messages as a statements of truth
File naming convention for DSR masterlist reports
Generating and processing ERN batches
MEAD messages as a statement of truth
MEAD information for a taken-down release
MEAD messages as secondary resources in an ERN feed
No resources in initial delivery
Order of ERN processing
Prioritisation of ERN messages
Signalling rights conflicts in ERN-C status updates
Update Indicator
Deals and commercial aspects
Adding tracks to a playlist before street date
Active deals at time of sending an ERN
Album streaming
Availability and visibility
ApplicableTerritoryCode vs deal territories
Avoiding "Dropouts" (or: how to signal Deal changes)
Cancelling a Deal before Street Date
Communicating deal dates
Communicating impact dates in MEAD and PIE
Communicating old currencies
Communicate territory information in different kinds of releases
Complex deals can be dangerous
Dates in deals are being phased out in favour of datetimes
Deals without StartDate or StartDateTime in ERN-3 and ERN 4.1
Exclusive vs inclusive deals
Displaying deal dates to consumers
DoNotDisplayDates in ERN 4.3 and later
Handling conflicts in RDR
NewReleaseMessage with no deal
Multiple CommercialModelTypes or UseTypes in one deal
Multiple consecutive deals
Multiple deals for one release
No takedown in initial deal
NetAmount and NetRevenueInCurrencyOfAccounting
Podcasts in DSR
Price information
Recommended use of CommercialModelType and UseType in ERN-4
Reporting sales or usages for individual tracks
Registering compilations in RDR-N 1.5
Revenue and IndirectValue
Start dates, end dates, start datetimes and end datetimes
Territories in deals and release descriptions
Territorial scope of a deal
Territorial scope for visibility dates in ERN 4.3 and later
Territorial takedowns
Updating a claim in RDR
UseType for fingerprinting services
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Structure of MWL messages