MWN Response Providing a Claim with Co-Ownership

The MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage allows a licensor to respond to a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage with information on musical work(s).

The licensor has an interest in the work, and will describe its interest in the response. This is a rather more complex example showing co-publishing:

  • Four Manuscript Shares are provided – one for each writer. In this example each writer’s manuscript share is 25%.
    In this example only mechanical rights are claimed. If the licensor wanted to indicate that all rights are covered, the element RightsType should be repeated for all allowed values currently in the Allowed Value Set.
    The RightSharePercentage element is used to express the percentage share related to the specified right share type, which in this case is 25% for manuscript shares. If the licensor knows that it controls rights but has not yet established the precise share percentage, the flag RightShareUnknownshould be used to indicate to the message recipient that the exact percentage is not yet known (rather than setting RightSharePercentage to 0 to signal this) and that an update will be sent with respect to this share at a later stage.

  • Two Original Publisher Shares are provided – one for each writer represented by the licensor.
    The RightSharePercentage element is used to express the percentage share related to the specified right share type, which in this case is 21.75% (although this does not need to be the case in a scenario with multiple original publishers). The RightSharePercentage elements at the IsFollowerInTitleOf and ManuscriptShare levels are used to express the percentages of the rights in the Work and are therefore 25%. If the licensor knows that it controls rights but has not yet established the precise share percentage, the flag RightShareUnknown should be used to indicate to the message recipient that the exact percentage is not yet known (rather than setting RightSharePercentage to 0 to signal this) and that an update will be sent with respect to this share at a later stage.

  • Two Collection Shares are provided – one for each writer represented by the licensor. In this example the licensor is collecting 21.75% on behalf of two writers. Since each writer’s manuscript share was 25%, it seems likely that there must be at least one other licensor that represents the remaining 3.25% for each writer.
    The RightSharePercentage element at the RightShare level is used to express the share to be collected, which is 21.75%. The RightSharePercentage elements at the IsFollowerInTitleOf and ManuscriptShare levels are used to express the percentages of the rights in the Work and are therefore 21.75% and 25%, respectively. If the licensor knows that it controls rights but has not yet established the precise share percentage, the flag RightShareUnknown at the RightShare level should be used to indicate to the message recipient that an update will be sent with respect to this share at a later stage.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mc-notif:MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage xmlns:mc-notif=""
	xmlns:xsi="" LanguageAndScriptCode="en"
				<FullName>Kobalt Music Publishing America Inc (KMPA)</FullName>
				<FullName>UMG Recordings, Inc.</FullName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">IP58615</ProprietaryId>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2007041201S">265684</ProprietaryId>
				<FullName>David Wesley Haywood</FullName>
				<NamesBeforeKeyName>David Wesley</NamesBeforeKeyName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">IP58616</ProprietaryId>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2007041201S">385465</ProprietaryId>
				<FullName>Charles Burgess Kelley</FullName>
				<NamesBeforeKeyName>Charles Burgess</NamesBeforeKeyName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">IP54823</ProprietaryId>
				<FullName>Hillary Dawn Scott</FullName>
				<NamesBeforeKeyName>Hillary Dawn</NamesBeforeKeyName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">IP1824</ProprietaryId>
				<FullName>Josh Kear</FullName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">IP299154</ProprietaryId>
				<FullName>DWHaywood Music</FullName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">IP299146</ProprietaryId>
				<FullName>Radiobullets Publishing</FullName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">IP30245</ProprietaryId>
				<FullName>Kobalt Music Publishing America Inc (KMPA)</FullName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">WK1198801</ProprietaryId>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2007040501K">N2800X</ProprietaryId>
				<!-- HFA Song Code -->
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2013102301S">010738754</ProprietaryId>
				<!-- BMI Work Identifier -->
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2007041201S">760031</ProprietaryId>
				<TitleText>Need You Now</TitleText>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">WRC1376206</ProprietaryId>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2007041201S">58690936</ProprietaryId>
				<TitleText>Grammy Medley</TitleText>
				<SubTitle>Live Grammy Performance</SubTitle>
			<DisplayArtistName>Lady Antebellum</DisplayArtistName>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2011031805X">EXPV200617</ProprietaryId>
				<ProprietaryId Namespace="PADPIDA2007041201S">4352280</ProprietaryId>
				<TitleText>Need You Now</TitleText>
			<DisplayArtistName>Lady Antebellum</DisplayArtistName>