RDR Implementation help and support


The RDR WG has a responsibility to assist interested parties with RDR implementation activates and encourage conformant implementation of all parts of the RDR standard with the widest possible adoption within the relevant community, worldwide.

To fulfil this role the RDR WG engages in outreach activities that include open webinars, implementation seminars and, occasionally, face-to-face workshops. Members of the RDR WG also offer direct support to their business partners and are available to share their experience and support.

These experiences of implementing for example the MLC 1.4 messages, often as part of the RDx onboarding exercise, often requires implementers to carry out some internal reconfiguring, cleaning and restructuring of data and/or business processes.

For the implementation of for example RDR-R 1.1 however, the technical and data requirements are substantially less complex. In almost all cases all the data required to populate the RDR-R 1.1 standard already exists and only a one off mapping exercise needs to be undertaken to adopt the simple flat-file messages.

More information about the RDR standard and its various parts can be found here.

Contacts of Implementers

For all those who are interested in understanding the RDR standard further with a view to implementing RDR-N, RDR-R and/or RDR-RCC and/or wish to consider membership of DDEX in order to participate in the regular working group sessions, please to contact the DDEX Secretariat at info@ddex.net.

For questions with regard to implementing various parts of the RDR standard as a sender or recipient and how to onboard to any of the centralised hubs, please contact the experts below:

PPL – Stuart Fitzsimon, Senior Repertoire Development Manager: stuart.fitzsimon@ppluk.com and Rod Keenan, Data Architect: rodney.keenan@ppluk.com for RDR-N, RDR-R 1.0
RDx – RDx Ltd: enquiries@rdx-portal.org
UMG – Luca Taborelli, Senior Director, Business Analyst, Global Rights and Society Relations: Luca.Taborelli@umusic.com for MLC 1.4, RDR-R (recipient only), and RDR-RCC
Beggars – Rob Gruschke, VP Global Collective Rights: robgruschke@beggars.com for MLC 1.4 and RDR-R (recipient only)
Gramex Finland – Katja Pönkkä, Manager, Data and Systems: katja.ponkka@gramex.fi for MLC 1.4, and RDR-R 1.1
AGEDI – Jose Antonio Delgado, Head of Software Development: joseantonio.delgado@agedi.es for MLC 1.4 and RDR-R 1.0
BMAT – Jaime Díaz Otero Núñez, Backoffice Operations Manager: jdiaz@bmat.com for MLC 1.4 (recipient only)
GVL – Maximilian Arnold, Requirement Engineering, Product & Service Innovation: maximilian.arnold@gvl.de for MLC 1.4 and RDR-RCC