
In the NewReleaseMessage it is possible to communicate a RightsClaimPolicy. Its structure has changed between different versions of ERN and users should be aware of these differences:

In versions 3.7, 3.7.1 and 3.8, a RightsClaimPolicy comprises of one mandatory Condition composite and one mandatory RightsClaimPolicyType allowed value set. 

However this approach was found to be buggy and, as a consequence, ERN 3.8.1 was published where the Condition composite can now be provided multiple times, allowing several Conditions (or none) to be linked to a single policy. The Condition also now allows the signalling of whether the baseline for the evaluation of the Condition is the ReferenceResource or the ConsumerResource.

Schema in Versions 3.7.x, 3.8 and 3.8.1

Schema in Versions 3.8.2 and ERN-4

Below is an example for a RightsClaimPolicy which requests the DSP to report if 50% if the track found matches the reference resource and to block access if 75% are found.

Example for versions 3.7.x, 3.8 and 3.8.1



Example for versions 3.8.2 and ERN-4

