Recording Data and Rights Claim Conflict (RDR-RCC)

The messages contained in this part of the RDR standard provide a simple mechanism for the communication of data about rights conflicts only for one specific use case: the communication of data from a music licensing company to a claiming party, usually a record company or performer, where the total claims received by the music licensing company in respect of the same rights exceeds 100%. The first message contained in this part of the RDR standard enables a music licensing company to notify claiming parties if one or more of their rights claims are in conflict (i.e. where the total claims exceed 100%). The second message enables conflicting parties to notify the music licensing company that they maintain, update or revoke their earlier made claim(s).

The most recent version of RDR-RCC to be published is version 1.0.

The text of the RDR-RCC standard can be found here.

Remember, at least before going live with an implementation, you will need to take out a DDEX Implementation Licence. Information about the Implementation Licence can be found here and the application form is available here.

General explanation of RDR-RCC

This section provides an explanation of the purpose and structure of RDR-RCC.

Detailed implementation guidance and best practice

This section provides access to a large range of articles under different subject headings, about all aspects of RDR-RCC. This section of the knowledge base is searchable.

Sample snippets for RDR-RCC

These sample snippets of parts of the RDR-RCC messages provide further support in understanding how RDR-RCC messages should be constructed.