Display artist overrides

The ERN standard enables the communication of releases as well as the resources contained in the releases such as sound recordings and music videos, the name of the artist(s) performing the on the resources and the name of the other contributors that played a role in the writing and/or recording of the resource.

More information on the subject can be found here .

In some cases, the same party or group of parties may play different roles under different names in the creation of a single resource. One example of this scenario is Lady Gaga who is known as an artist performing on resources but as a composer is usually credited under the name of Stefani Germanotta. These two names can be said to represent two different “public personas” of the same party. In the ERN-4 standard this should be implemented by providing two Party composites, one for Lady Gaga and one for Stefani Germanotta and then to communicate the respective roles, to then point to these two composites from the relevant DisplayArtist and Contributor composites.

In some cases, however the same public persona may wish to be acknowledged, on the same release or resource, by different names. Sometimes this may simply represent different spellings. However, sometimes the same public persona may actually wish to be known by different names relating to the different roles the person undertakes on that release or resource. One example of this is the composer and violinist Joseph Isidor Achron who gets credited as either:

  • Joseph Isidor Achron;

  • Joseph Achron; or

  • Isidor Achron.

The Contributor composite of ERN-4 already enables the communication of such different names of the same persona. The relevant tag to use to achieve this is called DisplayCredits. However, the DisplayArtist composite does not provide the same functionality. It is anticipated that DDEX will add this functionality in ERN 4.4, although at this stage there is no timetable for release of this version.

In order to overcome the limitation relating to the DisplayArtist composite in ERN 4.3 (and earlier versions of ERN), to communicate different names of the same persona, the sender of an ERN-4 message will have to create a Party composite for each of the different names and reference each of these from the relevant DisplayArtist composite.

To assist the recipient of an ERN message seeking to communicate different names relating to the same persona, the sender of the message may consider adding RelatedParty links as shown below:

    <FullName>Joseph Isidor Achron</FullName>
    <NamesBeforeKeyName>Joseph Isidor</NamesBeforeKeyName>
    UserDefinedValue=”IsSame” Namespace=”DDEX”>

    <FullName>Isisor Achron</FullName>
    UserDefinedValue=”IsSame” Namespace=”DDEX”>

Similar isses arise when name credits need to be represented in in different alphabets. Joseph Isidor Achron is, for example, also spelled Иосиф Юльевич Ахрон in Cyrillic or יוסף אחרון in Hebrew. To learn more about how translations and transliterations are managed in the creation of an ERN message, go here.