Upgrading from RDR-N Version 1.4 to Version 1.5


The messages contained in the Recording Data and Rights Notification standard (RDR-N) provide a mechanism for record companies and music licensing companies to claim interest in a resource to a second music licensing company and to revoke and request such claim statements. 

This standard has been developed to specifically work in conjunction with two other DDEX message exchange standards: the Recording Data and Rights Revenue Reporting Standard (RDR-R) and the Recording Data and Rights Choreography Standard (RDR-C).

Changes implemented in Version 1.5 were driven by the need to improve on Version 1.4 based on the implementation experiences of RDx, and also by local requirements to report the different rights held per track and on release level for compilations for the purpose of private copy levy for example. 

This document aims to list all changes made to messages and consequently the addition or removal of elements compared to Version 1.4 – published under the old name “MLC” – to elaborate on the Release Notes in Clause 2.3 of the RDR-N Standard.


Three new messages relating to collection mandates are now included in the standard: 

  1. AssertionOfCollectionMandateMessage – this message allows a record company to assert a collection mandate for recording artists or other contributors and for music licensing companies to forward such mandates to other music licensing companies;

  2. AssertionOfCollectionMandateStatusUpdateMessage – to allow a music licensing company to inform the sender of an AssertionOfCollectionMandateMessage of the status of such mandates; and

  3. RevokeCollectionMandateMessage – to allow revoking an AssertionOfCollectionMandateMessage.


As a result, new composites have been included in this version of the standard:

  • AssignedCollectionMandate;

  • CollectionMandate;

  • CollectionMandateAssertion;

  • CollectionMandateAssignee;

  • CollectionMandateAssigner;

  • CollectionMandateConflict;

  • CollectionMandateInRevocation; 

  • ExtendedCollectionMandate; and

  • RevokeCollectionMandateAssertion.


The ManifestMessage has been removed – it is now part of the RDR-C standard and will, therefore still be relevant to implementers of the RDR-N standard – and with that the composites that it contained.

The RequestSoundRecordingInformationMessage has been renamed toRequestSoundRecordingRightsClaimMessage to better describe its function.


The SoundRecording composite has been extended. This is partly due to the changes made on the SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory composite level. To simplify the latter the following elements have been deleted from that composite and moved to the SoundRecording composite:

  • PerformingContributor;

  • OtherContributor;

  • OriginalResourceReleaseDate; and

  • RightsController (see below on this page on changes related to this move).

In addition, the below elements have also been added to the SoundRecording composite:

  • OriginalPurpose (see note below on Library Music);

  • CommercialAvailability (see note below on Library Music);

  • InitialProducer;

  • IsRemastered (in alignment with the Electronic Release Notification Standard, ERN);

  • RightsControllerNotAsserted;

  • FeaturedLineUpComplete; and

  • NonFeaturedLineUpComplete.

The two latter elements are a refinement of LineUpComplete, which was deleted from SoundRecording.


The Video composite in the ResourceList has been extended to align it with the SoundRecording composite and other video related elements have been added to both the RequestSoundRecordingRightsClaimMessage and RevokeSoundRecordingRightsClaimMessage.

  • InitialProducer and IsRemastered has been added in line with the SoundRecording composite;

  • RequestedVideo has been added to RequestSoundRecordingRightsClaimMessage; and

  • VideoId has been added to RevokeSoundRecordingRightsClaimMessage.


In addition to moving the RightsController composite up a level from SoundRecordingDetailsByTerritory to SoundRecording the following changes have been made to that composite:

  • DelegatedUsageRights has been removed;

  • RightsControllerRole and RightsControllerType have been replaced by RightsControlType; and

  • RightsStatement has been added.

Changes to the HostSoundCarrier composite

To accommodate that some music licensing companies have to report compilations for private copy levy, a new element called NumberOfTracksInCarrier and a new flag called MessageSenderIsCompilationCreator have been added to the HostSoundCarrier composite. 

The element CompilationType has been deprecated as the element IsInternalCompilation is sufficient.

A separate article outlining the correct use of HostSoundCarrier for the reporting of compilations will be added on this issue in due course.

Library Music

In order to categorise library (production) music and clearly identify which registration should be delivered to which music licensing company, and to conform to RDx requirements, two new elements have been included in the SoundRecording composite: OriginalPurpose and CommercialAvailability.

Allowed Value Sets

RDR-N 1.5 is the first DDEX Standard for which the versioning of allowed value sets (AVSs) has been implemented. It therefore contains a mandatory AvsVersionId XML attribute in all messages. The AvsVersionId at publication is 1. DDEX may update the list of AVSs over time and therefore might increase the AvsVersionId. At that stage, the then current AvsVersionId will be made public on the DDEX Knowledge Base.

The new element OriginalPurpose includes six allowed values: 

  • CommercialRelease;

  • Karaoke;

  • LibraryMusic;

  • SpeciallyCommissionedMusic;

  • Unknown; and

  • UserDefined.


With the addition of CommercialAvailability, TerritoryCodeWithDate has been added in order to clearly indicate that library music can be commercially used differently across territories and by date.

AllTerritoryCodeNoWorldwide has been introduced for places where Worldwide is not an appropriate value, such as date of birth. This AVS is used in:

  • Artist/Nationality;

  • ArtistDelegatedUsageRights/TerritoryOfRightsDelegation;

  • DetailedArtist/Nationality;

  • DetailedArtist/TerritoryOfResidency;

  • OtherContributor/Nationality;

  • OtherContributor/TerritoryOfResidency;

  • OtherContributor/Citizenship;

  • PerformingContributor/Nationality;

  • PerformingContributor/TerritoryOfResidency; and

  • PerformingContributor/Citizenship.


A new composite for event dates called EventDateNoWorldwide has been created using the new AVS AllTerritoryCodeNoWorldwide.This composite is used in:

  • DetailedArtist/DateAndPlaceOfBirth;

  • DetailedArtist/DateAndPlaceOfDeath;

  • OtherContributor/DateAndPlaceOfBirth;

  • OtherContributor/DateAndPlaceOfDeath;

  • SoundRecording/CreationDate;

  • SoundRecording/MasteredDate; and

  • SoundRecording/RemasteredDate.


The previously empty AVS GoverningAgreementType now contains an allowed value SessionMusicUnionAgreement to indicate local agreements where a session musicians union is an Asserter.

The SoundRecordingType now includes one new value: AudioStem. This value mirrors VideoStem in the VideoType AVS.


  • The composite RequestedSoundRecording in the RequestSoundRecordingRightsClaimMessage (cf. the Sound Recording section above);has been extended with DisplayArtistName, DisplayArtist, PerformingContributor, HostSoundCarrier,and Weight. See also RequestedVideo (in the Video section above);

  • the composite SimpleHostSoundCarrier has been added (needed for RequestedSoundRecording and RequestedVideo);

  • the composite RightsClaim has been extended (addition of ContributorClaim, RightsController, Weightand ClaimRegistrationDateTime);

  • the element ConflictingParty has been changed to use another datatype in RightsConflict;

  • the element Membership has been deleted from the composite DetailedArtist;

  • the elements ContributorDelegatedUsageRights and Membership have been removed from the composites OtherContributor and PerformingContributor;

  • the composite DisplayCreditParty has been added and is used now for the element DisplayCreditParty in the composite DisplayCredits;

  • the element IpiNameNumber within the ExtendedPartyId composite has been changed to be controlled using a pattern; and

  • the attribute IsPreferred has been added to ProprietaryId.