Generating MWN messages

This page is for version 1.1. An update for version 1.3 will be provided in the near future.

The following articles are intended to help generating MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessages in response to a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage. This guidance is based on an implementation by a music publisher and constitute a set of checks and actions for practical guidance and is not an exhaustive set of validation rules.

1. General rules

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This guideline document describes how a music publisher that has received a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage via a hub or directly from a record company should proceed when generating a MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage as a response.

The overall structure of the MessageHeader element will be retained and elements from the MessageHeader of the request message will be re-used in the claim notification. For further details on the message header see below.

The PartyList element from the request message will be re-used. The sender of the claim notification may make amendments to the party information, so that the Party data may differ between request and notification.

The WorkList, ReleaseList and ResourceList elements from the request message will be retained in the claim notification. Formatting and values will be the same as received.

Message Header

The MessageId element from the claim request cannot be reused, as this identifier is unique per sender and two senders using the same identifier would cause the two claim notifications to have the same identifier. Also, multiple claim notifications in response to the same message need to have different identifiers. Therefore, an algorithm that creates a unique identifier for each claim notification has to be established.

The MessageSender element of the claim notification message can be hardcoded for all messages.

A recipient of a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage shall always reply to the sender of that message, whether it comes directly from a record company or whether it has been forwarded by a hub. Therefore, the data of the MessageSender element is copied to the MessageRecipient element.

If the request message has been forwarded by a hub, the SentOnBehalfOf element in the request message contains the details of the record company which the request had been issued on behalf of. The party specified in this SentOnBehalfOf element is not included in the response message.

The PartyId (a DPID) and PartyName elements can be taken from the claim request.

The MessageCreatedDateTime element captures the time at which the message is created. This has to be in the ISO 8601:2004 format with a time zone designator.

Party List

If available, parties need to have an IPI name number included in PartyId (in the IpiNameNumberelement). The IPI name number should be provided for all controlled writers, original publishers, sub-publishers and administrators. Uncontrolled writers do not have this populated.

Any proprietary identifiers which are included on the claim request should be included for further associated parties in their response.

The PartyName elements should not be taken from the claim request, but should be populated with the correct information from the internal systems of the message creator.

The NamesBeforeKeyName and KeyName elements should be added in the claim notification and populated with first and last name respectively.

Any additional writers not included in the original claim request need to be added to the PartyList. They need to have a new PartyReference identifier, the format for which is "P" followed by any number of characters (letters or numbers), which needs to be unique within the message. This PartyReference is solely to allow the referencing of a party from the different parts of the claim notification; the PartyReference has no applicability outside of the message.

The writers should then have their IpiNameNumber, FullName, NamesBeforeKeyName and KeyName elements populated from the internal systems of the message creator.

The IsOrganization flag needs to be set, if the party is a writer, to false and, if the party is a publisher, administrator or sub-publisher, to true.

Work List

In the MusicalWorkId element, the following data from the internal systems of the message creator is needed:

  • The ISWC of the work if available (for the ISWC element); and

  • Any proprietary identifier (for the ProprietaryId element, where the Namespace attribute is set to the DPID of the message creator).

In addition, each Work element needs to have a MusicalWorkReference element, the format for which is "W" followed by any number of characters. This reference identifier needs to be unique within the MWN message. This MusicalWorkReference is solely to allow the referencing of a work from the different parts of the claim notification; the MusicalWorkReference has no applicability outside of the message.

The controlled parties with a MusicalWorkManuscriptShare for the work need to be listed in the Writer element. The writer reference identifiers and roles which are controlled are listed in WriterPartyReference and Role elements respectively. Multiple references can exist depending on the controlled writers with a MusicalWorkManuscriptShare. The Writer ties back to an entry in the PartyList via the PartyReference attribute.

The Role element is populated for each party based on the CreativeMusicalWorkContributorRole allowed value set and may use a proprietary value from the internal systems of the message creator (in which case the Namespace attribute is set to the DPID of the message creator).

Titles in the claim request need to be matched against what is stored in the internal systems of the message creator. The data from the internal systems should be used to populate the TitleText element.

Right Share List

The RightShareList element with the claim information relevant to the response has to be created. Each right share in the list needs a RightShareReference element, the format for which is "S" followed by any number of characters. The reference identifier only needs to be unique within the MWN message. This RightShareReference is solely to allow the referencing of a right share from the different parts of the claim notification; the RightShareReference has no applicability outside of the message.

The RightShareWorkReference element includes the reference assigned to the work in the WorkList (in the MusicalWorkReference element).

Right Share Notification List

For each request that is responded to in the response message, a right share notification has to be added in the RightShareNotificationList element.

The NotificationId element is the identifier of the claim notification (not the identifier of the claim notification message). If an update to such a claim notification is issued, this identifier is put into the PreviousNotificationId element of the update message.

The RequestId element is the identifier of the request that the notification is responding to. This is a proprietary identifier specified by the sender of the request in the RequestId element in the RequestList and must be copied from there (including the Namespace attribute).

The RightShare element is the right share which is responded with in the claim notification and which is linked to the RightShareList using the RequestRightShareReference element. The value for this element is the RightShareReference element of the entry in the RightShareList.

The RightShareNotificationList element may also include right shares marked as uncontrolled.

The RightsControllerRequestId element shall be included against each entry in the RightShareNotificationList if it is given in the request message (in the RightsControllerRequestId element of the MusicalWorkShareRequest). This proprietary identifier specified by the sender of the request helps to associate the response with a specific request.

2. Specifying different types of right shares

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The Musical Work Right Share Notification (MWN) standard supports documenting different types of right shares:

  • MusicalWorkManuscriptShares;

  • OriginalPublisherShares;

  • MusicalWorkCollectionShares; and

  • LicensingShares

The decision which of these right shares should be generated is a business decision, and the next sections in this document describe what needs to be done for setting up a specific right share if this is applicable.

Details for each of these types are provided below.


Writers shall be set out first in the claim notification so that the subsequent shares can be related to them.

For each claimed writer, a Party element will need to be created in the PartyList of the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage.

The writer will then need to be linked to the manuscript share via the RightsController element in the RightSharecomposite, where RightsController/RightsControllerPartyReference must be set to the writer's PartyReference. In addition, the writer shall be linked to the musical work that is related to that manuscript share (via the RightShareWorkReference element) by setting the Writer element in the MusicalWork composite to the writer's PartyReference.

The TerritoryCode element for all manuscript shares shall be set to Worldwide.

The RightShareType element for manuscript shares must be set to MusicalWorkManuscriptShare. To avoid confusion only one value shall be supplied for this element.

The RightsType element shall be set to all values from the AVS that are applicable to the publisher sending the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage. The requested rights type from the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage's Request/Condition/RightsType should be included.

The RightShareNotClaimed element may be used for writers that are not controlled and set to true.

The RightSharePercentage element must be taken from the work's contribution percentage for the assigned writer. This will need to be denoted as a numeric value that can include a period to denote fractions of a percentage. Exact splits including as many decimal places as used in the internal systems of the message creator should be used for this element.


The associated original publisher for each writer in the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage must be retrieved, and the message will have to be updated with correct publishers. For each original publisher, a Party element must be created in the PartyList of the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage.

The original publisher will then need to be linked to the original publisher share via the RightsController element in the RightShare composite, where RightsController/RightsControllerPartyReference will have to be set to the publisher's PartyReference.

The TerritoryCode element for all original publisher shares will have to be set to the value from the original request (e.g. US). When retrieving the ownership percentage, the territory value has to be considered (e.g. US splits).

The RightShareType element shall have to be set to OriginalPublisherShare. To avoid confusion only one value shall be supplied for this element.

The RightsType element shall be set to the requested right type from the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage's Request/Condition/RightsType. The values may be restricted to values that are applicable to the publisher sending the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage.

The RightSharePercentage element shall be defined as the share controlled by the original publisher. It shall link the original publisher manuscript percentage of the writer. This will have to be denoted as a numeric value that can include a period to denote fractions of a percentage. Exact splits including as many decimal places as used in the internal systems of the message creator should be used for this element.

The IsFollowerInTitleOf element must link the original publisher share back to the manuscript share of the writer (using the BaseRightShare and ManuscriptShare elements). The next follower-in-title-of share must use this element to link back to the original publisher share. The IsFollowerInTitleOf/RightSharePercentage should display the works contribution percentage for the assigned writer.


The associated administrative publisher/sub-publisher for each writer in the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage will need to be retrieved, and the message must be updated with correct publishers. For each publisher, a Party element must be created in the PartyList of the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage.

The publisher must then be linked to the musical work collection share via the RightsController element in the RightShare composite, where RightsController/RightsControllerPartyReference will be set to the publisher's PartyReference.

The TerritoryCode element for all collection shares should be covered by the value from the original request (e.g. US). When retrieving the collection percentage, the territory value has to be considered (e.g. US splits).

The RightShareType element will need to be set to MusicalWorkCollectionShare. To avoid confusion only one value shall be supplied for this element.

The RightsType element must be set to the requested right type from the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage'sRequest/Condition/RightsType. The values may be restricted to values that are applicable to the publisher sending the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage.

The LicensingAgent element shall need to be specified for the collection share.

This LicensingAgent element should also include an XML attribute IsAgent=false. Its RightsControllerPartyReferenceelement will have denote the publisher in control of the license (which may be the original publisher). The PartyReference element from the PartyList must be used in RightsControllerPartyReference element to identify the licensing agent.

The RightSharePercentage element must be set as the percentage controlled by the collecting party. This shall be denoted as a numeric value that can include a period to denote fractions of a percentage. Exact splits including as many decimal places as used in the internal systems of the message creator should be used for this element.

HasOriginalPublisherShare/OriginalPublisherShare shall be present on each collection share to link it back to an original publisher share. The value to be used in this element is the RightShareReference element of the original publisher share.

The IsFollowerInTitleOf element must link the collection share back to the original publisher share (using the BaseRightShare element) and manuscript share of the writer (using the ManuscriptShareelement). The next follower-in-title-of share will have use this element to link back to the original publisher share. The IsFollowerInTitleOf/RightSharePercentage will have to contain the percentage controlled by the original publisher.

In IsFollowerInTitleOf/ManuscriptShare, the BaseRightShare element must contain the RightShareReference element of the manuscript share and the RightSharePercentage element will have to contain the contribution percentage from the manuscript share.


The associated administrative publisher/sub-publisher for each writer in the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage will need to be retrieved, and the message shall be updated with correct publishers. For each publisher, a Party element shall be created in the PartyList of the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage.

The publisher can then be linked to the licensing share via the RightsController element in the RightShare composite, where RightsController/RightsControllerPartyReference shall be set to the publisher's PartyReference.

The TerritoryCode element for all licensing shares is covered by the value from the original request (e.g. US). When retrieving the percentage, the territory value has to be considered (e.g. US splits).

The RightShareType element will have to be set to LicensingShare. To avoid confusion only one value shall be supplied for this element.

The RightsType element will have to be set to the requested right type from the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage's Request/Condition/RightsType. The values may be restricted to values that are applicable to the publisher sending the MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage.

The LicensingAgent element must be specified for the licensing share.

This LicensingAgent element shall include an XML attribute IsAgent=true. Its RightsControllerPartyReference element shall denote the publisher in control of the license (which may be the original publisher). The PartyReference element from the PartyList is to be used in RightsControllerPartyReference element to identify the licensing agent.

The RightSharePercentage element shall be set as the percentage controlled by the licensing party. This will have to be denoted as a numeric value that can include a period to denote fractions of a percentage. Exact splits including as many decimal places as used in the internal systems of the message creator should be used for this element.

HasOriginalPublisherShare/OriginalPublisherShare must be present on each licensing share to link it back to an original publisher share. The value to be used in this element is the RightShareReference element of the original publisher share.

The IsFollowerInTitleOf element shall link the licensing share back to the original publisher share (using the BaseRightShare element) and manuscript share of the writer (using the ManuscriptShare element). The next follower-in-title-of share will have to use this element to link back to the original publisher share. The IsFollowerInTitleOf/RightSharePercentage shall contain the percentage controlled by the original publisher.

In IsFollowerInTitleOf/ManuscriptShare, the BaseRightShare element will have to contain the RightShareReference element of the manuscript share and the RightSharePercentage element shall contain the contribution percentage from the manuscript share.

3. Specifying uncontrolled writers

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The Musical Work Right Share Notification (MWN) standard supports documenting different right share scenarios. Details of the data to be specified in the case of an uncontrolled claim are provided below.

In this case, a MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage can still be issued in response to a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage. In this message, the manuscript share will have a writer set to uncontrolled (via the RightShareNotClaimed flag, see below), but no original publisher share will be provided that links to the manuscript share for the uncontrolled writer.

In the RightShare element describing the manuscript share, the ValidityPeriod element will be omitted as this is not relevant for uncontrolled shares.

A link will be made in the RightShareWorkReference element between the manuscript share and the work and writer(s) it relates to.

The requested rights type from the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage's Request/Condition/RightsType shall be present in the claim notification's RightsType element.

The only parties referenced will be the writer(s) (in RightsController and via the MusicalWork composite) and the publisher (in RightsController/RightsControllerPartyReference). No LicensingAgent element will be included in the claim notification as it is not required.

The RightShareNotClaimed flag will be set to true when an uncontrolled writer is present.

The HasRightsInDispute flag will be added to manuscript shares for uncontrolled writer shares and be set to false.

In the IsFollowerInTitleOf element, the RightShareUnknown element will be used instead of RightSharePercentageelement and will be set to true.

No further claim information will be provided for the uncontrolled writer.

4. Specifying pending responses

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The Musical Work Right Share Notification (MWN) standard supports documenting different right share scenarios. Details of the data to be specified in the case of a pending claim, e.g. when the percentage of a contribution is not yet known or the full publishing information is not yet available, are provided below.

In this case, a MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage can still be issued in response to a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage. In this message, the RightShareList element will include manuscript shares, original publisher shares and collection shares for pending writers.

In the RightShare elements, the ValidityPeriod element will be included as this will indicate when the pending response was issued to the record company.

A link will be made in the RightShareWorkReference element between the pending manuscript share and the work and writer(s) it relates to. This is no different to the standard process of responding with a manuscript share as described on (2) above.

If a contribution percentage for the writer is known, it will be used in the RightSharePercentage element. If this information is missing, the RightSharePercentage will be replaced by a RightShareUnknown flag set to true. This is applied to all right shares in the RightShareList element (manuscript, original publisher and collection shares).

Any other information will be included as it has been defined in the General Response Rules described in (1) above and writer and publisher share rules discussed in (2) above.

The IPI name number, if it has been allocated, will be included in the Party element (in PartyId/IpiNameNumber) for the associated writer.

An entry in the PartyList element needs to be included for the publisher, and this needs to be linked to the original publisher and collection shares via the RightsController element in the RightShare composite, where RightsController/RightsControllerPartyReference will be set to the publisher's PartyReference. If an entry has been included in the MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage, this will be used for the claim notification.