Benefits of CDM
The following benefits arise out of moving to DDEX’s Claim Detail Message standard:
All messages in the CDM standard are very closely aligned with the messages in the DSR standard:
This is true of the terms used, the structure, the functionality, the technical framework, the object properties and the allowed value sets. It will therefore be possible to use well-established DSR functionalities such as multi-context and multi-content category reporting in response to a multi context DSR message. That is, claims for all commercial offers for the same territory that are reported in a single DSR message can be sent using a single CDM message even though it is still possible to send a number of single-context CDM messages.
All messages in the CDM standard offer transparency, traceability and auditability:
The communication resulting from implementing the CDM standard provides a clear, fair business framework.
CDM introduces a discrepancy reporting formats:
Although some existing claim formats offer a dispute communication mechanism, these are usually limited in functionality and, as a consequence, rarely used. The CDM standard contains flexible, yet powerful, discrepancy message formats.
CDM is a format that is enriched with new data attributes and offers greater flexibility of reporting structures than other formats. This added flexibility includes, for example:
The ability to include optional writer information, making it easier for the licensor and the licensee to identify the musical works for which claims and/or invoice information is provided;
Some record blocks have been added that enable flexibility with respect to communicating data about unique business models such as UGC;
As with the DSR standard, summary record blocks have been included which summarise the detailed records which enable quick validation and verification when a recipient parses the CDM message; and
The ability to communicate share, revenue and royalty information with more precision than with just six decimal digits. This will enable a more precise royalty calculation which is especially helpful for reporting streaming usages.
CDM satisfies new business models’ requirements:
Because of the time it was created the CCID format was download-centric. By contrast, the CDM standard enables exchange of data about all business models, most particularly streaming models. DDEX expects to extend CDM in future to cater for audio-visual content and/or any other new business model that should arise.
CDM has a complete choreography:
The CDM standard provides messages that can be used to create a complete choreography of information exchange for:
Discrepancy management;
Overclaim reporting;
Claim updates; and
File retraction.
However, it is not mandatory to implement all parts of the CDM standard so, implementers will be able to agree, with their business partners, when and how the full functionality of the CDM standard is implemented.
The file structure of all CDM messages is flat and easy to implement:
CDM makes use of the same tabular structure already used for the DSR standard. CDM also inherits the same grouping of data into Blocks which makes the ingestion of the data very efficient and simple to implement.
CDM is specified to facilitate both post-usage (or post-claim) and pre-usage (or pre-claim) claiming:
This new facility, provided it is agreed between licensee and licensor, will enable the claiming process to take place before receipt of DSR messages which reduces overall processing time.
CDM is a worldwide industry standard:
CDM messages offer a claim/invoice process that can be used throughout the world. Some of the existing formats for claiming are only effective in selected regions.
CDM unifies the entire usage/claiming choreography under the single governance processes of DDEX:
CDM is managed and maintained under the auspices of DDEX with its well-defined governance processes.