Implementing each standard

This section of the knowledge base provides links to more detailed explanations of each of the standards, including their purpose and structure.

The sections also include a large range of articles that offer guidance on how to implement any given DDEX standard.

Electronic Release Notification Message Suite (ERN)
Media Enrichment and Description (MEAD)
Party Identification and Enrichment (PIE)
Catalogue Transfers Standard
Catalogue Transfers Best Practices
Digital Sales Reporting Message Suite (DSR)
Claim Detail Message Suite (CDM)
Musical Work Data and Rights communication Standards (MWDR)
Recording Data and Rights Standards (RDR)
Recording Information Notification (RIN)
Links between Resources and Musical Work (LRAW)

Best practices for implementing the DDEX standards

Below please find guidance and best practice articles for any DDEX Standard by using the search function or by browsing the articles by category.

 Guidance on releases, resources (e.g. sound recordings, music videos and images) and works
 Guidance on parties (writers, recording artists, engineers as well well as companies such as labels and music publishers)
 Guidance on commercial aspects and deals
 All available guidance